Instructional Design Basics for E-Learning Development

If you are new to E-learning, there are a lot of things to be learned starting from the basics. There are some basic guiding principles of ID that can provide a good starting point for your first e-learning project and can help you make your training more meaningful for your learners.

Know Your Audience

Your primary focus should be on your audiences as they are the one for whom you are developing the module. Understand your audience and then build content around their needs, circumstances, limitations, preferences, and wants.
  • Who are your audience and what are their needs?
  • What is the primary goal of your audience?
  • What is your audiences’ learning preferences?
  • What are your audiences’ educational background?
  • What information and skill-sets will the audience need to acquire?
  • How will they apply the knowledge learned in your course?
  • What are your audiences’ technical requirements?

Knowing these will help you to decide how to develop content that best meets their needs.

Follow basic course structure

Course structure refers to how a course is designed for elearning. The structure of a course plays a critical role in how your audience learns the material. Follow the following steps to come with the effective module: Welcome your audience, Give them instructions on how to navigate the course, Explain the benefits of the course, Set a clear objectives, Include engagement and assessments for better learning experience and pass on instructions on how to exit the E-learning module.

Grab the attention of your audience:

Begin the session with a short introductory video and develop a module where the audience can connect themselves with the module.


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